Stop Talking! 7 Ways to Improve Your Listening Skills
by Jim Domanski
Stop Talking! 7 Ways to Improve Your Listening Skillsby Jim Domanski
Here's the simple truth: most tele-sales reps are not good listeners.
It's not their fault: sales reps are taught product knowledge. Reps learn all about features, advantages and benefits. They learn how to present; they learn how to tell, they learn how to pitch. Even those companies that teach questioning skills often fail to teach the rep how to listen to the answers. When a rep asks a question he is often waiting for the customer to stop talking so that they can begin pitching again.
The issue here is lack of training. We have not been taught how to listen. It is an assumed skill. And this is particularly true in tele-sales where you lack the visual contact with the client. Here are seven simple but highly practical AND highly effective ways to improve your listening skills.
The first step to improving your listening skill is to stop everything you are doing and give 100% of your attention to that call. Turn your head and body away from all the antics going on about you. You know what I mean: stop watching the jokers around you. Stop throwing things, gossiping, and goofing around. Dare I say it? Stop eating, stop drinking, and stop doodling, whatever.
In particular, stop multi-tasking. I am amazed to see reps trying to finish one task (like entering the last order or inputting notes on a file) while at the same time trying to focus on the client. You're NOT listening. You are barely tuned in. Something has got to give.
Be prepared to listen. Countless times I have watched reps fumbling to find a pen, or a brochure, or pad of paper. Frantically they wave to their neighbor and mouth the word "PEN". Meanwhile, the client chats on and on, giving important details, delving into problems and concerns and all the while the rep is still searching. Being prepared to listen also means having your call prepared ahead of time. Before you dial, have a rough draft of the things you want to accomplish on the call, your objectives, key questions you want to ask or important points to bring up. When you have done this ahead of time you free up your mind to focus on what the client is saying rather than thinking of what you are going to ask next.
Clients communicate on two levels. First, there are the words the client uses to describe their situation or their needs or their objections. Words are important because they articulate complex thoughts and issues.
Second, and perhaps more importantly, clients use their tone of voice to communicate at another level. You need to listen where they place the emphasis on words. Emphasis often means importance. Key into that. You need to gage the tone and determine if you have struck a nerve or if the client is about ready to yawn. Pace and volume can give you clues about the client and their message. Get focused and evaluate the message at both these levels.
Concentrate on what is being said. How do you do this? Two ways: First and foremost, simply "zip it." Ask your question and then ...well ...shut up. It's now the client's turn to speak. My real point here is you can't listen if you are talking.
Second, direct your eyes on one of two things: the computer screen in front of you (if it is applicable to the call) or a pad of paper on your desk. What I am really saying is you have to keep the distractions at bay. Letting your eyes wander typically means you are letting your mind wander. For instance, if your eye catches the traffic jam on the street below you begin to think of the commute home and not think about what the client has just said.
(I have often wished I could issue blinders like horses used to wear when pulling a carriage. I don't mean to be demeaning. I just think it's a great idea.)
There are actually two types of listening you will encounter. The first is called "active listening." This is where you shut up, evaluate, and concentrate like I mentioned above. This is where the client talks and you don't.The second type of listening is called "interactive." As the name implies, interactive listening means you interact with the client. Translated, that means you use questions to verify and clarify information. If you don't understand something, say so. If you don't hear something (because of a noise or distraction) get the client to repeat it. Use questions to get the client to elaborate so that you UNDERSTAND.
Another good way to listen more effectively is to acknowledge what the client is saying. You can do this in several different ways. One way is simply to use verbal phrases like "I see," "Go on", "uh, huh," "Good point," "That's interesting." These phrases get you to clue in to the call. In addition, it shows the client you are clued in and paying attention. They are more apt to give you more and BETTER information when they hear these words than when they hear dead silence.
Another way to acknowledge what you heard is to summarize throughout the call. You can say things like, "To recap then, Eric, you saying you have selected the courses to study but you haven't had the time to complete them and the deadline is just around the corner, is that right?" At this stage the client will either agree completely or correct your understanding or add more to it. Either way, it is a 'win/win.'
A third way to provide acknowledgement is to review someone's order or request. Normally, this occurs at the end of the call. "Just to make sure I have all this: you want 5 boxes of the self-adhesive strips, 3 cartons of the #29 needles, and 2 wrist band monitors in digital format. Is that correct?"
The final "SPECIAL" way to listen more effectively is to listen with a pencil in your hand. In other words, "log it" down; take notes. When you listen with a pen poised over a pad of paper your focus is on the call and pad and not elsewhere. By writing key points down you can let the client ramble on i.e., you can actively listen. You can then go back to the points you jotted down and interactively listen (you can question). You can say, "Hey Dr. Harrell, you mentioned you see patients with sports related injuries. What types of injuries in specific do you mean?"
Someone once told me that these tips on listening were "...nothing more than common sense." I told that person I agreed - but I also told them that there was a big market for common sense. The fact of the matter is this: listening is not terribly hard. It just requires discipline. Use these tips to help you build that discipline. You can become a better listener!
دوشنبه 29 خردادماه سال 1391 ساعت 12:22 ق.ظ
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چهارشنبه 10 خردادماه سال 1391 ساعت 04:24 ب.ظ

دپارتمان آموزش زبان انگلیسی فعالیت خود را آغاز کرد.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر روی لینک بالا کلیک کنید و یا در خبرنامه بلاگ عضو شوید.
در وب سایت ما می توانید سوالات تخصصی زبان انگلیسی خود را از مشاوران ما بپرسید و نکات گرامری و لغات عمومی و تخصصی ربان انگلیسی را بصورت پیامک هر روز دریافت کنید.
کافیست فرم عضویت سایت را پر نموده و شماره همراه خود را وارد کنید تا از خدمات گسترده دپارتمان آموزش وب سایت ترجمه نگار استفاده نمایید.
تا اولی تیرماه وب سایت زبان آموز ثبت نام می کند
اگر مایل هستید که آموزش رو دریافت کنید لطفا سریعتر ثبت نام کنید.
دوشنبه 25 اردیبهشتماه سال 1391 ساعت 03:45 ب.ظ
Once you have started to learn a foreign language you want to use it, speak it, write it and above all communicate with others. But as we say, you have to learn to walk before you can run. You have to learn something about the way words work together, the way you can express different times or tenses, the way you use adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and so on. But if you are determined to get control of the language, understand it and use it properly, you must not let the things I have listed stop you. One thing at a time. Gradually bit by bit if you work hard, you will find success. The one word that sometimes makes people frightened when they start to learn a new language is "grammar". But don't worry about that word because it's only a very general title used to cover the workings of the language. The danger comes when you let grammar get in the way while you are learning. Remember that it was people who created the language in the first place. The "grammar people" or the grammarians came later.
On our site we have a wealth of different multiple choice tests, texts and stories which show grammar in context. Those are the words I want to stress – in context. It's no good learning just the meaning of a new word, or the function of a tense or the use of a particular preposition because you also have to see how they behave in a sentence or in a paragraph. At the same time we want to make this information as enjoyable as possible and that's why we like to introduce an element of humour and lightness into our materials. The American songwriter, Robert B Sherman among his many lyrics wrote a song in a musical about teaching children how to deal with unpleasant tasks. The most famous line is: A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. The medicine in our case is "grammar" and we add the "sugar" to make it more pleasant for you.Our forums too are at your service. Here you can express an opinion for discussion, ask questions about the tests and any other language points that you want to raise. We are not "doctors" giving you nasty "grammar" medicine to swallow. We are here to help you communicate with other people. Do as the waiter says when the food you have ordered is put on the table in front of you: Enjoy.CONVERSATIONS ABOUT ENGLISH1. ARTICLESExplanations of the words article/definite/indefinite and also related words like articulate/define/definition and so on. Then examples of the use of the articles with sentences showing them at work and also the occasions when no article is used.2. MODALSAgain definitions of the word modal and related words. Explanations of may/must/can/would/will and so on.3. PASSIVEDefinitions of passive and related words. Use of the passive with examples. Comments on why it's used in place of active.4. RELATIVE PRONOUNSExplain word relative and related words. Examples of their use.5. TENSESGeneral introduction to tenses and the meaning of the word - then divide into examples of each tense with illustrative sentences.6. ADJECTIVESExplain the word and its function. Use of several adjectives together. Formation of adjectives.7. ADVERBSExplain the word and its function. Refer to the different types of adverb -again with illustrative sentences8. PUNCTUATIONBrief introduction to purpose of punctuation - and what happens in its absence. Illustrative sentences. Explanation of various punctuation marks9. CONDITIONALSExplanation of the word and related words. Different types of conditional standard ones and mixed ones with illustrative sentences.10. PHRASAL VERBSDefinition of what a phrasal verb is and examples of how they are used. Choice of some of the most common used in sentences.11. VERB FORMSCommentary on principal parts of the verb such as infinitive, gerund, participles and so on. Illustrative sentences.12. SUBJUNCTIVEIntroduction to this formation and its use.13. PREPOSITIONSMeaning of the word. Use of prepositions and their position in the sentence. Notes about groups/pairs of the most common prepositions and their differences as under/below/beneath.14. CONJUNCTIONSDefinition and purpose and position of conjunctions - examples in sentences of the most common.15. REPORTED/INDIRECT SPEECHAgain explanation of 'reported', 'direct', 'indirect' and related words. Reasons for use and formation دوشنبه 25 اردیبهشتماه سال 1391 ساعت 03:36 ب.ظ
وب سایت ترجمه نگار در مدت شبانه روز آماده دریافت سفارشات ترجمه شما و انجام سفارشات ترجمه توسط متخصص ترین مترجمان خود در همه گرایشات علمی و آموزشی می باشد.
کافیست سفارش ترجمه و فایل خود را از طریف وب سایت ما ارسال نموده و با ارسال پیامک با عنوان سفارش جدید ما را از آن مطلع نموده تا ارسرع وقت به آن رسیدگی شود.
قبلا افتخار ما خدمت رسانی به شما عزیزان می باشد

تیم مدیریتی وب سایت ترجمه نگار
خبرهای خوشی هم برای کسانیکه در وب سایت ما عضو شوند، دارد...

پنجشنبه 31 فروردینماه سال 1391 ساعت 04:42 ب.ظ

شرایط و فرم همکاری با وب سایت ترجمه نگار
وب سایت ترجمه نگار از این هفته مترجم استخدام می کند در صورت تمایل با خواندن شرایط همکاری فرم را در وب سایت کامل نموده و همراه با نمونه ترجمه ارسال کنید...

برای ارسال سفارش ترجمه به وب سایت ترجمه نگار
اول در سایت عضو شوید
بعد اقدام به ارسال سفارش ترجمه خود کنید

شنبه 26 فروردینماه سال 1391 ساعت 07:14 ب.ظ
موسسه آموزش عالی آزاد ماهان
در نظرسنجی سایت ماهان شرکت کنید....
در این لینک پایین به بلاگ من در سایت ماهان رای بدین
وبلاگ تخصصی زبان انگلیسی
چهارشنبه 16 فروردینماه سال 1391 ساعت 10:57 ق.ظ

استخدام مترجم در وب سایت ترجمه نگار
وب سایت ترجمه نگار درخواست همکاری شما مترجمان عزیز در گرایش زبان های فرانسوی ایتالیایی
اسپانیایی را پذیراست
برای همکاری با وب سایت ترجمه نگار
فرم همکاری را پر نمایید.

یکشنبه 28 اسفندماه سال 1390 ساعت 11:15 ق.ظ
Charity begins at home.
چراغی که به خانه رواست، به مسجد حرام است.
Exchange is no robbery.
چیزی که عوض داره گله نداره.
Be in the seventh heaven = در آسمان هفتم سیر کردن
Walk on air = از خوشحالی پرواز کردن /بال درآوردن
Be on top of air = تو ابرها سیر کردن
Be tickled pink = قند تو دل کسی آب شدن
The teacher disheartened the children.
معلم تو دل بچه ها رو خالی کرد.
سهشنبه 16 اسفندماه سال 1390 ساعت 10:35 ب.ظ
God hill:خدا شفا بده
gosh to you: از تو بدم میاد
dont mentioned :قابل نداره
let alone the student: چه برسه به دانشجویان
you are deal for me:خیلی برام با ارزشی
whats concern for me: به من چه؟
deeping round: دور خودت چرخوندن
to count of my ned: تو دید من هستی
dutch the do do: share the price of sth
kiss it goodbye: بوسیدن گذاشتن کنار
bell of the ball: she is very pretty
its ringable:اسمش آشناست
after you: بعد از شما(در تعارفات)
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